Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What is a good name for a male yellow lab puppy?

i am looking for a long term name, possibly a name with a character or famous person in it, i was thinkin rocky but the family wouldn't accept

What is a good name for a male yellow lab puppy?
There's that well known book about a male yellow lab called Marley after Bob Marley, so there's a good name to start with!

But, I must admit I like the name Rocky too.
Reply:Marley. Marley is an awesome name, beacuse of Bob Marley and Marley in the book Marley and Mew by John Grogan who was named after Bob Marley. Marley in the book was 'the worst dog in the world' but.....you know, in the end when he died....they remembered him, and thought he was the was the best dog ever.
Reply:my dogs names are

copper -yellow lab

duke of devonshire -yellow lab

nestlee toll house-choc. lab we named him after the brand of chocolate chips,nestle lol
Reply:Nick Sheridan....nicolette Sheridan




Reply:try marley,coconut,butterscotch,or carmel i love those names

Reply:Elvis. :)
Reply:Charlie Brown
Reply:Tricky.I know!Name him Jacob!:)

such a cute name for a lil boy.

growing tuberose

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