Sunday, August 22, 2010

What should i name my two male hamsters?

im thinking of ben and jerry, or ron and harry...

but do you guys have any others?

remember, they're BOY hamsters, so keep it with the boy names =]

What should i name my two male hamsters?
I have two male gerbils named Baskin and Robbins :P I did have 2 named Frick and Frack. Just think of two cute names that match.
Reply:Frick and Frack
Reply:I like the ben and jerry.That's soooooooo cute!lol.
Reply:Hamhock and Shamrock
Reply:noel and liam especially when they squeak
Reply:tic and tacs
Reply:How about Short Life and Owl Food?

No, just the fatter one Cartman, and the other one Kenny.
Reply:How about Richard and Mr Slave.
Reply:Bert and Ernie (seseme st)
Reply:Nick and joey
Reply:i would name them simon and garfunkle

Quick easy way to name hamster
Reply:well hamsters are solitary, so wait till they reach sexual maturity, bcuz they will fight and most likely one will be severely injured, and it could be fatal, so wait, and you will only have to name one.

i'm not mean, but it's just that if you had done you r research, you'd have known that 2 hamsters don't workout.

anyway, search the internet (type in "hamster names") and tons of stuff comes up. so, good luck with whatever happens!!
Reply:What about cheech and chong, or starsky and hutch, famous male duos!
Reply:How about Elladan and Elrohir. Pronounced as spelled. Elladan and Elrohir were the twin sons of Elrond, if you have seen the Lord of the Rings movies. If you have read the books, good for you!
Reply:Tom and Jerry, Peter and Paul.
Reply:Phobos and Deimos (Fright and Dread) :) I wanted to name two dogs like that, but I wasnt allowed :(
Reply:Bob %26amp; Tom
Reply:pat garrett and billy the kid
Reply:Hekyll %26amp; Jekyll

angel trumpet

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