Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Whats a good name for a male character in a childrens story book?

whats a good name for a male character in a childrens story book? Its a monster but its male, i cant think of a cute and NICE name for him! any helpful suggestions are welcome!

Whats a good name for a male character in a childrens story book?
Charlie is cute, and male.
Reply:Childish Charlie.

Kiddie Keith

Young Yalom.

Infant Issac.

Baby Burt.

Adolescent Andrew.

Reply:hey umm what about cameron, konrad, jake, zach, rubens, philip
Reply:Logan. Or just go to babynamesworld.com and then you can specify your search to different meanings, origins, and other options.



Reply:Mel, Melvin, Martin, Martino
Reply:Topher (short for Christopher)
Reply:1. Robin

2. Strifin

3. Fin

4. Riley

5. Dimmie

6. Robbie, Robert

7. Taylor
Reply:Terry...makes you sort of think of terry cloth (towel material) and is also the name of Terry Fox, cancer awareness hero.
Reply:maybe Blizz ?

(short for blizzard)

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