Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Is Garuda a male only name? Because I like the name but I use it as a female name in the book I'm writting

In Hindu legend it's a lesser god with a male body. The reason I choose the name was because I thought it was a female name (hence it ending with an 'a') and it's also a wind god which is the type I'm looking for. I don't really want to change a ton of dialogue around if it can only be a male name.

Is Garuda a male only name? Because I like the name but I use it as a female name in the book I'm writting
In hindu tradition , Garuda( mythical king of birds) is d vehicle of God Vishnu. Most of d male names in hindi such as Ram, Ravan,Garud are spelled with an additional 'a' such as Rama, Garuda etc. in english.

It sounds more male type but then its just a name n i dont think there is ne problem in using it( as female).

N ya send me a free copy.
Reply:does it matter? who`s going to buy the book anyway?
Reply:You can make it a female name simply by writing a female character with the name, Hindu legend or not. If it truly bothers you to do so, then include a sentence explaining why her parents thought this male name would be good for their daughter, or explain that her parents thought, like you, that it was a unisex name, or truly anything you can come up with to make it plausible.

It's a novel. Fiction. You can do that and get away with it.

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