Tuesday, August 17, 2010

How can I train an adopted adult male husky to respond to its new name?

He doesn't seem to have any type of training whatsoever. When I asked to come, he just stare at me. Please help! Thank you.

How can I train an adopted adult male husky to respond to its new name?
Just call him by the name with everything you do. Say his name is Jack. You would use...

Jack, time to eat.

Jack, let's go out.

Jack, let's go for a walk.

If he does not come on command, put him on a long leash and give him some distance.Then call him by name and tell him to come. If he does not come...call him again (by name) and reel him in using the leash.

The German Shepherd we have was two when we got him. I immediately renamed him and he actually responded to it immediately.
Reply:I think it will take time for the husky to recognise that is has a new name. Dog Treats could help. Try calling him and giving him a dog treat every time he comes to you. Get down to his level too. Crouch down when you call him and then give him a treat. Dog's seem to respond to food! Good Luck
Reply:just treat him like you would a baby puppy. Pretend he is 8 weeks old and start fresh with new habits.

Every time you say his new name flash some food in front of him and get him to look at you. Basically this is all a name is to a dog, an association to look at its owner.
Reply:You have to show him what 'come' means. Put him on a leash. When you say his name and come, give a slight tug on the leash to get him to come to you then reward him. Continue to do this and he will finally get it!
Reply:just keep calling him his new name, and work with your new dog, a lot. Use treats too, and PRAISE!
Reply:I wish I had a a husky.

flamingo flower

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