Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Good male cat name?....its black, but i dont want anything like blacky or spooky?

i dont want anything that just describes black, or halloween...i want something better and more creative but im stuck after only thinking of a few....im getting him in 3 days!!

Good male cat name?....its black, but i dont want anything like blacky or spooky?
Reply:I have two black cats and I love them both. My boy is named James. That was his name when we got him. Try seeing what his personality is like. My female is named spaz cause she freaks out alot ( In a good kitty way)

Just a few ideas:







Reply:Sailam or even Blair
Reply:I had a black Male cat named BlackJack. Named by the boyfriend at the time who bought him for me. He loved BlackJack :)
Reply:Shadow? no? okay maybe naming him they day or month you get him, I have a cat name June and I use to have a cat named Friday (the day she was born)
Reply:malfoy, draco, sirius, lucifer,
Reply:black bear
Reply:amigo thats what i had named our cat!!
Reply:I just got a pure black kitten a couple weeks ago. He is great so much fun. I named him ROMO after Tony Romo QB of Dallas Cowboys. He loves his name and is quite a happy kitty. :)
Reply:I have named all my cats after Chinese food. My last cat was named Won-ton. Everyone laughs when they hear the name and thought it was creative.
Reply:I have a black cat named Ace. great cat, too!
Reply:Aswad. That's Arabic for 'black'.

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