Monday, July 19, 2010

What are the name of the lifesized male dolls women put in their passanger seats for safety?

its like a lifesized person who is clothed and you stick him in your passanger seat so it looks like there is someone riding along with you. i cant find them online.

please help!

What are the name of the lifesized male dolls women put in their passanger seats for safety?
I believe those are called husbands.
Reply:Lonely, are you?
Reply:Women think all men are just toy's, why not get a real one? If they're really scary, they're usually called Vinnie or Sal or Bruno.
Reply:Why would anyone do that??
Reply:For safety!

Reply:I just bought some mannequins off ebay to travel in the carpool lane- err- I mean for my safety.
Reply:they probably backseat drive and refuse to follow directions too,just exactly what a girl needs,...gonna have to find one, lol :)
Reply:manican, go to a department store and ask were they bought it... i got one, i dress her up and take her to a night club, put a cigarette in one hand and a drink in the other, then see how many people try to pick up on her. FUN FUN TIMES

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